Lauren's Senior Year - end of the first week

So I didn't get to post every day but am at least going to tell you in this post about stuff that happened... Not a lot happened. She went to school, drove most days, came home for an hour,  went back for volleyball practice.

We had the volleyball parents meeting on Wednesday night... Not really sure about this coach, but are hoping that things go well and that Lauren gets good advice, coaching and playing time. We love watching her play!

She's not able to wear running shorts to school this year (new coach, new rules, plus they really aren't dress code but she has been able to pull it off. I think most teachers recognize her height and realize that they don't make shorts long enough to fit their "fingertips" rule for her. Oh well, she's wearing jeans and trying to figure out Iowa to wear yoga pants (needs longer tshirts).

She's working as an assistant for one of her classes (supposed to be with kids with disabilities). Doug Peters (the teacher) kept her for his office (athletics). She set up his wireless keyboard the first day and rearranged the peripherals to better suit his needs... She's a tech-savvy-kid!

She is doing well in AP Stats. Hoping that continues.

First football game is next Friday... She and Becca will be in the stands of course!
Until then...


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